For Love of History

Good morning all. I am a retired history professor with an abiding love for sharing wonderful stories of history.

Just ask any of my many hundreds, if not thousands, of students and the guests on my Historic Tours of Texas. A friend told me that artists have a need to share their craft with the world. I am no artist (ask any of my highly artistic family) but I realized that I do have a need to share the stories of my community with my friends and neighbors.  My wine tours are popular, but they don’t satisfy my need to tell stories.

So, I am inviting you to join us this weekend, on Saturday, June 1st, starting at 8:00 am from our offices at 1225 11th street in friendly Huntsville, Texas for a tour to the magnificent Painted Churches of Schulenburg on our party bus, the Joye Mobile. In addition to the fascinating history of the towns along the way, we always supply coffee and donuts, and perhaps some kolaches.

You can sign up on my website at Historic Tours of Click on View Tours, then go to the Painted Churches site, click on Information and choose the number of tickets you would like. Hope to see you soon! Hugs! And Here’s your link to History!

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